One Net Business Help & Support

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Making calls

Making a call

You can start an audio or video call:

  • From your One Net app main window
  • From a chat window
  • From your communication history window

Video calls are available only on PC and Mac®.

Learn more about the requirements for video calls >


If you can't select a call icon

If you are unable to see the icon for the type of call you wish to make, this type of call may not be available to you or may not be supported by your device. Contact your administrator for more information.


Simultaneous calls

With One Net Business, you can have as many simultaneous calls as many sessions are allowed simultaneously for your organisation.

Read more about session admission control capacity >

Making a call to a number that appears in an application


This feature is available only on PC and Mac®.

With the One Net app, you can highlight a phone number in any desktop application, such as your browser or text editor, and press a keyboard shortcut to call the number.

You can also configure the One Net app to enable making calls from applications with your desk phone.

Making emergency calls with the One Net app


Don't use the One Net app for emergency calls.

By default, you can only use the One Net app for emergency calls when you're at your organisation's address. If you try to call an emergency number from another location, you will be connected with the dispatch centre closest to your organisation's location. Use your mobile phone's dial pad, your desk phone or another phone to make an emergency call.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Your One Net Business administrator

Talk to the One Net Business administrator in your company. They understand your system best.


See this section to find answers to your questions and solutions to any issues.


Contact us

Only for One Net Business administrators: contact us if you have any questions.

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