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Team Telephony


This feature is available only on PC and Mac®.

About Team Telephony

Team Telephony is a One Net app feature that allows you to monitor the call status of other phone lines.

When activated, Team Telephony displays as a separate window next to the main One Net app window.

Team Telephony allows you to:

  • Monitor other users' availability for calls
  • Pick up calls from the users you monitor
  • Call the users you monitor

With Team Telephony, you can monitor up to 15 users at the same time.

Activating Team Telephony

You can activate Team Telephony and choose the users you monitor by setting up monitored lines in One Net Manager.

Read more about monitoring other phone lines >


Phone status privacy

A user who has enabled their phone status privacy must authorise you to monitor their line.

Using Team Telephony

You can see a user's availability next to their name:



The user is available.

The user is ringing.

The line is busy.

To call a monitored user

  1. In the Team Telephony window, right-click on the required user.
  2. To make an audio call, select Audio Call.

    To make a call from your desk phone, select Call from Other Device.

Changing Team Telephony settings

You can change the way the Team Telephony window behaves and select a ring signal for incoming calls.

To change the Team Telephony settings

  1. Select .
  2. From drop-down list at the top, select Services.
  3. Under Team Telephony, change the required settings.

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