One Net Business Help & Support

One Net app help

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Hiding your number

You can hide your number when you call or chat with someone outside your organisation. Hiding your number is also known as hiding or blocking your caller ID.

Read about hiding your number >

Changing language, login and confirmation options

You can change the following general settings:

  • The One Net app display language
  • When the One Net app asks you to confirm a request
  • Your login options

Read about changing language, login and confirmation options >

Changing audio settings

You can select different audio devices and change audio settings such as ring tone.

Read about changing audio settings >

Changing video settings

You can change the size of your video call image and chose the video device you want to use.

Read about changing video settings >

Changing Outlook® and add-in settings

You can allow the One Net app to access your Outlook contacts and calendar. You can also choose how the One Net app integrates with '3rd-party' applications.

Read about integrating the One Net app with other applications >

Changing voicemail settings

You can activate or deactivate your voicemail service, and set up options such as when calls are sent to voicemail, how to access your messages and whether to receive an email notification when you have a message.

Read about changing voicemail settings >

Setting the One Net app as your default calling application

You can set the One Net app to be your default application for using Callto and Tel URL links.

Read about setting the One Net app as your default calling application >

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