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Answering calls

When you receive an incoming call, a window opens displaying the caller's name or number and the options available for answering the call.

You can see the name of the person calling you if they are on your My Contacts list.

You can also configure the One Net app to display the name of the person calling you if they are on your device's contact list or in your organisation's directory.


Video calls are available only on PC and Mac®.

Answering a voice or video call

Receiving a new incoming call while already on a call


This feature is available only on PC and Mac®.

You can have one active call at a time. You can accept a new incoming call when you are already on a call, but you need to confirm that you want the first call to be put on hold.

Read about call waiting >

Answering One Net Call Centre and One Net Receptionist calls


This feature is available only on PC and Mac®.

With the One Net app, you can also answer and put on hold calls you receive in One Net Call Centre and One Net Receptionist.

When you receive a call to your One Net Call Centre or One Net Receptionist, you also get an incoming call notification in the One Net app. You can answer, hold or end the call from the One Net app. The status of the call updates in all your applications.

Learn more about One Net Call Centre >

Learn more about One Net Receptionist >

Answering desk phone calls with the One Net app


This feature is available only on PC and Mac®.

You can also use the One Net app to answer calls ringing on your desk phone.

When you receive a call on your desk phone while you are logged in to the One Net app on your PC or Mac®, you see a desktop notification coming up on the screen. You can use the notification window to answer or decline the call.

Answering calls automatically


This feature is available only on PC and Mac®.

You can use settings on your headset to automatically answer all incoming calls.

Read about compatible headsets >

To answer calls automatically

  • Select the Auto-answer button on your headset.

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