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- English
Requirements for One Net Business applications
You can activate or deactivate your voicemail service, and set up options such as when calls are sent to voicemail, how to access your messages and whether to receive an email notification when you have a message.
If you want to give callers the option of transferring to another number as well as, or instead of, leaving a message, you can provide the number to transfer to.
If you are assigned to a hunt group or call centre, your personal settings for forwarding calls (including forwarding to voicemail) are not taken into account for incoming calls distributed by this hunt group or call centre.
In such case, you can use One Net Anywhere or One Net Mobility for forwarding calls instead.
To activate, set Mailbox-Verwaltung to Ein.
To deactivate, set Mailbox-Verwaltung to Aus.
Forward call settings take precedence over voicemail settings
For example, if you select options to forward unanswered calls to a number and to send unanswered calls to voicemail, your unanswered calls are forwarded to the number you entered.
You can give callers the option of transferring to another number as well as, or instead of, leaving a message.
Talk to the One Net Business administrator in your company. They understand your system best.
Only for One Net Business administrators: contact us if you have any questions.
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