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Personal time and holiday schedules

Schedules are used to select blocks of time during which a call service should be active, for example, when you set the business hours for a support desk.

There are two types of schedules: time and holiday.

In One Net Manager you can set rules that automatically change your call settings. If you wish these rules to operate during specific periods, these periods must be recorded as time or holiday schedules. You can record your own personal schedules, or you can use site schedules created by your administrator.

To view the available personal and site time schedules

  • Select Profil and scroll down to the Zeitplan section.

To view the available personal and site holiday schedules

  • Select Profil and scroll down to the Feiertage section.

To add a personal time schedule

  1. Select Profil > Zeitplan hinzufügen.
  2. Enter a descriptive name for the schedule.
  3. Select a start time in the calendar, and drag to create one or more time blocks.
  4. Adjust the start and end times for each block:
    • Drag the top or bottom margin of a time block to change the start or end time.
    • Select a time block to set its exact start or end time.

To add a personal holiday schedule

  1. Select Profil > Feiertagsplan hinzufügen.
  2. Enter a descriptive name for the holiday schedule.
  3. In one or more rows, enter a name for a holiday and select its dates.
  4. You have the option to mark a holiday as recurrent. If you select this option, you can set a holiday to recur on the same dates indefinitely or up to a certain year. The recurrence feature only works with fixed dates. It cannot automatically track annual public holidays that change date over the years.

    Screenshot showing a personal holiday plan

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