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One Net Mobility

One Net Mobility enables your One Net Business mobile phone to use your One Net Business phone number and voicemail service. You can make and receive calls on either your mobile or your desk phone and move calls between the two without the other party being aware of it. You can use all the features you use with your desk phone on your mobile.

One Net Mobility also controls whether other devices ring when you receive a call. This includes phones sharing your line and One Net Anywhere devices.

Using a personal mobile with One Net Business

There may be times when you don't want your mobile to be part of your One Net Business service, for example out of business hours or when you're on holiday.

If your organisation allows you to change your One Net Mobility settings, you can exclude your mobile from your One Net Business service for specific time periods. Calls to your One Net Business phone number won't ring your mobile and the caller ID on your mobile will show your mobile number instead of your One Net Business phone number.

To exclude your mobile, the time periods when you want the mobile to be excluded must be set up as time or holiday schedules.

Read about creating time and holiday schedules >

Using your mobile number as your caller ID

Your caller ID on your mobile is usually your One Net Business number. There may be times when you want to use your mobile number as your caller ID. For example, you might want to make calls using your One Net Business number during work hours, and make calls using your mobile number outside of work.

If your organisation allows you to change your One Net Mobility settings, you can set your caller ID to be your mobile number.

Setting up your mobile phone with One Net Business

Your administrator sets up your One Net Business service to include your mobile phone. If you need to change your One Net Mobility settings, you should contact your administrator.

Managing One Net Mobility when leaving work

At the end of your working day, you may want to forward all incoming calls to your voicemail or another number. If you still want to be reachable on your mobile number for personal calls, you need to deactivate call anchoring as well.

You can manage forwarding calls and call anchoring automatically or manually.

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