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Setting up distribution lists for voicemail

About distribution lists

You can forward a voicemail message to a number of other people in your organisation using distribution lists. You can create up to 15 distribution lists.

Forwarding a message to a distribution list is one of the options provided when you retrieve a voicemail message. You have to enter the number of the list you want to distribute the message to.

Setting up a voicemail distribution list

  1. Select Anrufdienste > Mailbox-Verteilerlisten > Bearbeiten.
  2. Choose the next available list.

    The number of the list is the number to enter when someone wants to distribute a message to the people in this list. You need to give this number to any users who will send messages to the distribution list so they can enter it when prompted.

  3. Enter a name in the Beschreibung box. This helps you see at a glance who the list applies to, for example, Support team when you're setting up or changing distribution lists.
  4. For each person you want to include in the list, select Hinzufügen and enter the required One Net Business phone number or extension.

Changing a voicemail distribution list

  1. Select Anrufdienste > Mailbox-Verteilerlisten > Bearbeiten.
  2. Find the list you want to change.
  3. You can change the name in the Beschreibung box.
  4. For each new person you want to include in the list, select Hinzufügen and enter the required phone number or extension.
  5. Select Löschen to remove any phone numbers from the list.
  6. If you want to change a phone number, you have to delete the entry and add a new one with the required number.

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