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Call centre agent settings

About call centres

In One Net Business, a call centre is a queue that administrators create in One Net Manager. Your organisation might, for example, have a queue for sales calls and a queue for technical support calls. A call centre has one or more phone numbers that customers can call. When customers call one of these numbers, their call is placed in the queue. Calls are presented to agents in the order in which they arrived.

If you are an agent, you can view the call centres you belong to and change some of your call centre settings.

Viewing and joining call centres

You can view the call centres to which you've been assigned. You may be able to join and leave call centres if your administrator has enabled this setting. If not, contact your administrator to do this for you.

To view and join call centres

  1. Select Anrufdienste > Call Center Agent > Callcenter anzeigen.

    Any call centres for which you're an agent are listed.

  2. To join or leave a call centre, select Callcenter beitreten for the call centre you want to join or leave.

    If you can't select this field, contact your administrator to do this for you.

Viewing your agent settings

You can view your agent settings. Only your administrator can change these settings.

To view your agent settings

  • Select Anrufdienste > Call Center Agent > Einstellungen anzeigen.

Changing your availability for calls

You can change your availability to take calls. This applies to all call centres that you belong to.

To change your availability for calls

  • Select Anrufdienste > Call Center Agent > Status der automatischen Anrufverteilung.

    If you select Nicht verfügbar, you may also have to select an unavailable code if this is required for your organisation.

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