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Caller ID settings


Information for administrators

Managing the site caller ID settings

To manage the site caller ID settings

For administrators only

  1. If you're an enterprise administrator, select the required site.
  2. Select Standortdienste > Standort-Namensanzeige.
  3. Select the phone number you want to use as your site caller ID number from Standort-Anzeigenummer.
  4. Set or update your site caller ID name in Standortname für die Namensanzeige.
  5. Select Bei abgehenden Anrufen Standortnamen anstatt Benutzernamen für die Namensanzeige verwenden. if you want the users' caller IDs to show the site caller ID name instead of their own.

Setting caller ID name for virtual users

You set up the caller ID name for virtual users, such as hunt groups and instant group call groups, when you set up these services.

Changing caller ID for users

A user's caller ID name is the name used when creating the user's One Net Business account.

A user's caller ID phone number is the phone number used when creating the user's One Net Business account.

You can change both the caller ID name and the caller ID phone number of your users.

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