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Setting up shared lines

A user may want to share their phone line with other users. All the phones sharing a line can ring when there's an incoming call to the shared number and can be used to make a call from that number. This arrangement is typically used for executives who have one or more assistants to manage their calls.

Read more about sharing lines >

Users can view who is sharing their line and change their shared line settings.

Read about sharing lines for users >


If you share your line with other users, activating Do Not Disturb blocks all incoming calls for those users too.

How many lines can a user share?

A user can only share another user's line if their phone has an available line. For example, a snom® 715 has four lines and a snom D725 has 12 lines. One line on the phone is used for a user's main One Net Business phone line. They can share three other lines if they have a snom 715 or 11 other lines if they have a snom D725.

Read about One Net Business devices >


Information for administrators

You can set up and manage shared lines on users' devices.

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