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Call centre settings


Information for administrators

A call centre is a virtual user that queues calls and distributes them to agents according to the policy you assign to it. A call centre is created at site level, although the agents assigned to it can be from any site in the organisation. Some call centre settings are defined at the enterprise level so they can be used for call centres at all sites.

Read about the enterprise settings for a call centre >

Call centres come in two editions: the Call Centre Basic edition and the Call Centre Standard edition. Each edition has a different level of features included. Your organisation can have a mixture of editions, so that each person gets the edition they need for their role.

Read about call centre editions >


Updating different editions of call centres

Different call centre editions have different features. If you can't see or can't change a call centre setting, it means that the feature is not enabled for the call centre edition that you're changing.


Certain settings are only visible when a feature is turned on.

To change the settings for a call centre

  1. If you're an enterprise administrator, select the required site.
  2. Select Standortdienste.
  3. Select Standortdienste > Callcenter.
  4. Select a call centre from the list.

    The selected call centre is shown in Callcenter at the top of the screen. You can select other call centres from this list to change their settings.

  5. Select the menu option or tab to change the settings described in the sections below.

Call centre profile


If the call centre has call services assigned, such as voicemail, you can set up these services as you would for a normal user.

Read about activating call services >


You can set up announcements to play to callers, such as a welcome message, estimated wait time and on-hold music.


Music rights

Before uploading music, make sure you have the rights to play it to your customers.

Eigenes Klingeln

You can set up different ringtones to alert agents to call centre calls.

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