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Common phone book


Information for administrators

The common phone book allows you to add commonly-used contacts that aren't listed in the main phone book for your site. The users assigned to your site can see contacts from the common phone book in One Net Receptionist, One Net Call Centre and One Net app. The contacts aren't available on users' desk phones or in the main phone book.

Read about the main phone book >

You can add contacts manually or import them from a file.


Incoming caller ID

When a contact from the common phone book calls you, the contact’s phone number is displayed but not their name.

To view the common phone book for your site

  1. If you're an enterprise administrator, select the required site.
  2. Select Telefonbuch.

To add a contact

  • Select Hinzufügen and enter a name and a number for the contact.

To edit a contact

  • Find the contact you want to edit and select Bearbeiten in that row.

To delete a contact

  • Find the contact you want to delete and select Löschen in that row.

Importing contacts

You can import multiple contacts to the common phone book from a CSV (comma-separated values) file. You can create the file in a text editor or export contacts to a CSV file from Microsoft® Outlook® or another application.

The imported file must meet these guidelines:

  • The file should be in CSV format.
  • The file should be in UTF-8 encoding.
  • The first line in the file must contain the 'Name' and 'Number' column headings.
  • Each line under the headings must contain a name and a number for one contact.
  • Name length must be between 1 and 50 characters.
  • Names must only contain characters 0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, ß, +, -, full stops, commas, and spaces.
  • Number length must be between 4 and 22 digits.
  • Numbers must only contain characters 0 to 9, and +.
  • Numbers must be in E.146 format.

An example below shows contents of a CSV file with six contacts.

Karina B. Schmied,+493015551231
Karina M. Schmied,+493015551232
Karina W. Schmied,+493015551233
Frank B. Schmied,+493015551234
Frank D. Schmied,+493015551235
Frank Y. Schmied,+493015551236

To import contacts from a CSV file

  1. If you're an enterprise administrator, select the required site.
  2. Select Telefonbuch.
  3. Select Durchsuchen to find and select a CSV file.
  4. Select Importieren.

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