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Choosing a policy for distributing calls to a hunt group


Information for administrators

A hunt group is a way to manage incoming calls in your organisation. With a hunt group, all calls to a particular number are distributed among a group of people. The distribution of the calls depends on the policy you apply to the hunt group.

When you set up a hunt group, you create a list of people who are in the group. The order of the people in the list is used by the regular and circular policies.

Types of group policy

You can choose from the following options:


Rules applied


When an incoming call arrives, the system attempts to transfer it to the person who is listed after the last person to accept a call. If the first transfer attempt is unsuccessful, the system works sequentially through the list.


For each incoming call, the system always tries to transfer the caller to the first person in the list. If the first person does not answer, the system works sequentially through the list of names in a search for someone who will accept the call.


When an incoming call arrives, the system simultaneously rings any unoccupied lines for everyone in the group. The call is connected to the phone answered first.

Am längsten frei

The system tries to transfer a new call to the person who has gone longest without receiving a call to the shared number.


The system shares out calls according to a weighting system that you define. The weighting system specifies the percentage of incoming calls that each group member should receive.

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