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One Net Receptionist help

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Introducing One Net Receptionist

One Net Receptionist is a One Net Business application that runs in your web browser. It lets you direct incoming calls to the right destinations in your organisation as efficiently as possible.

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Interactive image of receptionist application

Features and benefits of One Net Receptionist

Answering calls

You can answer calls automatically or with a single click or tap in your call console or in the notification window that pops up when you receive a call. You can answer calls on behalf of your colleagues if they are busy.

Transferring calls

You can transfer calls to your colleagues or to different destinations, such as a call centre queue or auto-attendant. If the person you want to transfer the call to is already on a call, you can place the new call against their phone so they can answer it when they're free.

Finding contacts

As a receptionist, you need to find contacts easily so you can transfer calls to the right destination as quickly as possible. One Net Receptionist provides several ways to view, organise and search your contacts.

You can set up your most frequently-used contacts so you can see their call status and check whether they're available to take a call.

Working with One Net Call Centre

If One Net Receptionist is integrated with One Net Call Centre and you are assigned to a call centre as an agent or supervisor, you can monitor call centre queues and manage call centre calls from One Net Receptionist. You can answer calls from the queue, transfer calls to different destinations, move them to another queue or change their priority.


You can't use One Net Call Centre and One Net Receptionist at the same time.

If you're already logged in to one of those applications, you'll automatically be disconnected when you log in to the other.

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